Posts in CoJo-losophies
Home is inside [the Soul].

First impressions are lasting. I can't speak for you, but it is very apparent to me in the initial moments of meeting someone whether I want to get to know them or not. Here's whats dangerous, you can't build a lifetime of fortitude with a mere attraction to someone's looks. After the looks fade (honestly before) you're going to need someone to talk to, life is going to hit, and you're going to need someone to lean on. When we tie ourselves to someone who can't do anything for us, but make feel good in a few moments of passion behind a close door, we lock ourselves out to a life understood. 

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Pursue Your idèe Fixe

It carousels in your mind. You dream about it. You get excited thinking about it. Your heart throbs when in runs across your mind. It seems far fetched, but it could be your thing. Only if you sprint in the direction of the thing your mind is fixated on. Most of us have a thing or two that we can't get our minds off of. We all seem to have that one thing that captivates our energy and it doesn't seem to matter how things seem to look, there remains this modicum of hope in the back of your mind. Short of insanity, that's your existence and maybe even God trying to point you in the direction of your destiny. 

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Unrequited Love: Self inflicted torture

I am willing to bet that at some time or another we have all experienced some degree of unrequited love. We have grown to fancy someone and they just can't see us the way that we see them. We try to dress it up and hang in there until they come thir senses and realize just how much of a catch we really are. Only thing is after months weeks and years, they have lived their lives and our lives are still circling around thirs in hopes that they will return with heart full of love toward us. Sometimes it happens, but most of the time we waste large sums of the precious commodity time, waiting on something that doesnt want us. Sucks right?

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Live for Christ. Dress for You.

It was toward the end of 2015 that i came across I diary entry I wrote years ago, that said, "Live for Christ, dress for you." It was that moment, a peace came over me. I was reminded that the questions that have flooded my way my entire life, we going to continue to flood my way, regardless of who I tried to please. The reality of it is, someone is aways going to have a problem with something you do.

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Here recently I was conferred ordination. It was a very humbling experience, and I over the moon excited about continuing ministry. Something came to my attention in the last few weeks, that I heard but never paid attention to. During my catechism, it was heavily emphasized the gravity of being an ordained minister and that people will look to you differently. My whole life people have been saying that, and so it was no new reality to me, but what I didn't realize that there was now a new target on my back. People were watching me before, but now one fall, one slip, is an excuse for someone to fall out of church, into bad habits, or away from the faith all together. 

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Lemonade Faith

To understand faith a little better let's think of faith as a glass of lemonade. If faith is the substance of things hoped for, hope is the actual glass that holds the faith. The substance that is faith we can think of as the lemons, water,  and sugar. If you remove the sugar you no longer have lemonade. If you get rid of the lemons its just sugar water. When you combine all the three together, you have a delectable drink for a hot day. 

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I think it is very interesting how our relationship with God, as we do this thing we call life, shapes how we perceive various things. For close to 8 years I have been an intensive student of love. I have read tons of books on boundaries, marriage and dating. I have read hundreds (probably more like thousands) of articles on relationships, and how people perceive one another. I have become so good, that often I can tell you why a relationship happens the way it does. I have read books that express the importance of the each phase of the relationship, I have explored the 4 types of love that we find in the greek. Something that didn't come from extensive research, or picking and prodding the minds of the greats, was this idea. This idea came from my communion with God one day.

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Raise the bar

It's a no brainer that you have to raise the bar from the standard that was set and met. I don't care if you have to climb mount Everest figuratively to get to a better life, if thats the task, thats what you need to do. The well being of you and yours is the most important. As Yourself do want to be remembered as that uncle who allowed his family to struggle of that Father who handled business and was the grew father, provider, worker, and influence on others.

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