The Challenge to Be Well

 The 10th President of Morehouse College, Dr. Robert Franklin had five "Be Well Statements."  All five of them and few more were things I already held in regard of my own life, but because Dr. Franklin was here on Earth well before I was, I'm going to give him the nod. I do have a few others that I have attached and hold just as much in high regard.  Being well is never just succeeding in one area of your life it is succeeding in a duplicity of areas. When we can learn to succeed in several areas we go from beinng to good, to being phenomenal. 

  1. Well-Read
  2. Well Spoken
  3. Well-Travelled
  4. Well- Dressed
  5. Well-Balanced
  6. Well- Exposed*
* Is a CoJo addition to the list