I am Not ASHAMED of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
I was perousing the likes of Facebook, when I came across a video of Jason Nelson leading worship, by way of the Andrae Crouch classic "We are not Ashamed." Listening to that 5 minute video, I went into a state of worship, because I began to think about what exactly Christ did for a jacked up wretch like me. When I say that I try really hard to be a decent person I am not lying but I screw up daily. I get up and I try to correct my errors, but somehow, I always end up messing up somewhere. Christ was flawless, and he still took my punishment, simply because he loved me. I owe him everything. I know there are groups that believe we shouldn't call his name. Others who think in order to ascend to the heights of greatness, we should only refer to him lightly, but there was nothing light about what he did at Calvary.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”
Let me make this clear, I may never ascend the heights of this world's elites, or I may top them. I may earn a simple living, or I may belong to the 1%. I may never marry, or I may spend the next seventy years with the love of my life. I may never have any children to call my own or I may have house full. Only God knows. What I do know is that I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I will defend it, I will preach it, and I will live it. Everything else is just a bonus to already superb life. I am in love with a man who has given me the perfect love story, its the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am N. A. "CoJo" Jones and I approve this message.