In a world where people can be unsure whether or not they ever found the grounds to terminate a relationhship, some of us leave things unsaid in the event we wish to reenter someone's life. IN relaity the best way is to exit in a way that a re-entrance would be accepted. When you just dissappear you stir up so many emotions that the you return probably will be received with a skeptical heart.
“If you can talk about it, you can fix it.”
Healthy relationship typically have one common ingredient, good communications. Inspite of this one fact we seem to run for the hills when comes to having hard, uncomfortable conversations. The conversations that are the hardest tend to yield the most fruit, that's why they are so difficult. As always say, if you can talk about it, you can fix it. Fixing it isn't always reconciliation. Sometimes fixing it is walking away. Sometimes fixing it is new beginning, and sometimes fixing it places you in a better place than ever before. Talking about it is a conversation act. You have to seek to understand, and second to be understood. It has to be a two way street to gain insight on what really transpured. Talking about requires vulnerablity, you have to be willing to show who you are with your whole heart. Your whole heart sometimes seems like steep price, but almost always being seen, is worth it. You'll never know though if you don't sit down and try.
Everybody gets so excited about harvest Season. When you pray for harvest, do you know what you’re really asking for? Yes harvest season means that you’ll finally get to enjoy the fruits of your labor, but are you prepared for the work what is required in Harvest Season? Harvest Season is one of the hardest seasons of life, but it’s also one of the most rewarding. Few people get to tap into the reward, because they can’t handle the process of harvesting.