Where do we draw the line, or do we draw the line? Can we truly have it all, and still have the pleasing appreciation of God. Do we have to give up things to gain acceptance with God. What do I have to do to get my stamp of Approval. Let's talk about it.
I think everyone has the potential to be apart of something iconic. Everyone can be something groundbreaking. I don't hover believe that everyone can beeverything to just anyone. I do believe that we are more to be with one more than others, but we still have to put in work once meet that person.
While people tend to praise Ruth & Boaz's relationship, I don't think they realize that it didn't matter how much Boaz loved her, or how much he extended to her, if she would not have made a move as well. He provided her a covering and resources, but it was still her move. There comes a point where you can provide all of the best love and security, but in order for it to work it must be returned.
“It didn’t matter how much Boaz loved Ruth, it was still her move...”
I have said it, I've written it, I've taught it, Start with God, Stay With God. Prayer is not an option in today's society if you you wish to thrive in all parts of life. Prayer is the differnce between what you can do and what God can do. If we're honest that's a pretty huge difference. You need to remain connected to the source of life, otherwise you'll just be existing, and that is no fun at all.
Have you ever wondered why it seems like successful people have their cake and seem to eat it too? Truth of the matter is, it probably has't always been that way. Life is all about process, and the only way to increase your capacity, is to regularly eat more and more.
So you may at be able to handle all of your dreams today, that doesn't mean that you never will be able to.
So I have a confession. I have not marketed myself the the way that I ought to have because I have been self conscious. I have been afraid of what people might say or think of me. i have been self conscious about how I may be received, and all the while I neglected to pay attention to what God was doing. I was watching him do things through me, but I was afraid to tell people because I was self concious, and not God conscious.
“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
It is like I completely forgot what the word says, even though I have pinterest board that literall called "lift Christ, he'll draw all men." Don't be so self conscious that you forget to be conscious of the wondrous things God is doing and trying to do through and for you. Don't be self conscious. Be God Conscious.
If you're wondering where your blessing are, I am willing to bet that you have an obsession that is hindering you from meeting your blessings. Sometimes we are obsessed with social media, sex, drugs, alcohol, or even a person; it means that we are not obsessed with God, because an obsession takes over your complete focus. God wants your time, and your focus. He promises that if you will give him those things, he'll give you those things your heart desires.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Everybody gets so excited about harvest Season. When you pray for harvest, do you know what you’re really asking for? Yes harvest season means that you’ll finally get to enjoy the fruits of your labor, but are you prepared for the work what is required in Harvest Season? Harvest Season is one of the hardest seasons of life, but it’s also one of the most rewarding. Few people get to tap into the reward, because they can’t handle the process of harvesting.