We are a mixture of our best and worst experiences. Everything that happens in us and with us shape us to be everything that we are today. Don't fight the negative experiences because they are the things that shape you to be who are and who you'll be. So many of us focus on the ingredients that we miss what the ingredients are making. Very few people like boiling water to consume, nor do we make it our custom to eat a raw potatoe, but after the 2 have spent time together, there is a number of great things that can come from the combination. Trust the process!
So I have a confession. I have not marketed myself the the way that I ought to have because I have been self conscious. I have been afraid of what people might say or think of me. i have been self conscious about how I may be received, and all the while I neglected to pay attention to what God was doing. I was watching him do things through me, but I was afraid to tell people because I was self concious, and not God conscious.
“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
It is like I completely forgot what the word says, even though I have pinterest board that literall called "lift Christ, he'll draw all men." Don't be so self conscious that you forget to be conscious of the wondrous things God is doing and trying to do through and for you. Don't be self conscious. Be God Conscious.