Who gets grace?

In this episode of the [UN]churched podcast, Cole and AJ discuss the Diddy apology video and the response from the black church. They explore the issue of forgiveness and grace within the church, particularly when it comes to different sins and marginalized communities. Cole shares his personal experience as an intersex individual and the challenges he faced within the church. They also touch on cancel culture and the need for understanding and empathy. In this conversation, Cole reflects on the story of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8 and emphasizes the importance of seeking understanding and pursuing the gospel. He also discusses the role of pastors in addressing sin and accountability within the church. Cole encourages open communication, love, and transparency, and highlights the need for pastors to examine themselves before addressing others. He emphasizes the power of sharing personal testimonies and the importance of living out the teachings of the Bible. Cole concludes by reminding listeners that nothing can separate them from the love of God.

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