Posts tagged bible project
Revelation 7 | God Delivers even in the Dark
Revelation | God Delivers, even in the dark!
Reverend CoJo

So you're in the middle of the tribulation and then God pauses to show you something. He hasn't forgotten his chosen people nor has he forgotten all those who didn't quite know to trust him.

Cross References:

The “Lord Lord Trap” - Matthew 7:21-23; Luke 9:35 

Covenants - Genesis 12; Geneis 13

Seals - Ezekial 9:4-6

Difference Between the Church and Post - Galatians 3:27-28

Case for all 12 Tribes - 2 Chronicles 11:13

Curse of Dan - Leviticus 24:10-16; Judges 18:1-2; 30-31; Deuteronomy 29:15-21; 2 Kings 10; Genesis 49:17; Jeremiah 4:14 & Amos 8:14; Judges 5:17

New People - Isaiah 60:1-3; Isaiah 49; Joel 2:20-32 & Acts 2;

Genesis 12-15 | The Call of Abraham
Genesis 12-15 | The Call of Abraham
Reverend CoJo

The Father of the faithful, a man listed in the Hall of Faith, Abraham is truly a man that goes down in the bible's Who's who. To understadn where he came from will set the ground work for your understanding of much of what will transpire in the 65 books that follow Genesis. 

Genesis 6:1-14 | Meet Noah
Genesis 14:1-14
Reverend CoJo

We met, Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel. We talk about the line of Seth all the way through Enoch, Methuselah and here we are at Noah. The man who found grace in the eyes of God. The man who found righteousness, but being a mess, but his heart was turned toward God.